Akshay, Preity, Saif in Bollywood shows in...

Aron Govil Productions, a global, multifaceted, 360 degrees media company announced today that Akshay Kumar and Preity Zinta, top-tier Bollywood film stars, shall be performing in two musical concerts in the New York area during April in a Broadway-styled extravaganza named "HEAT." The entire star cast includes Saif Ali Khan, Sushmita Sen, and Celina Jaitley, along with singers from the hottest television show, SAREGAMAPA, the Indian version of American Idol.

As the North American promoter of nine shows across the USA and Canada, Aron Govil Productions is directly handling the April 15th, 2006 show at Continental Airlines Arena in New Jersey and the April 22nd, 2006 show at Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in New York.

"The HEAT production is loaded with star power, including superstar Akshay Kumar, who won the internationally acclaimed Filmfare award for the film 'Garam Masala,' and will take the lead and bring his special charisma to the audience," said Aron Govil, producer of the HEAT show. "Preity Zinta and Sushmita Sen will add beauty and elegance, the rock and foundation of Bollywood films, while sexy Celina Jaitley will add another facet with her sensual and thought-provoking dance numbers, which will keep the audience spellbound," Mr. Govil continued.

This is one show not to miss because of its high energy and non-stop action, including some dances with fireworks, which will keep the audience on its feet. Some of the stars will perform new dances, which have never been seen before either on stage or on the screen. More than 50 dancers will perform Bollywood numbers from the greatest hit films of all time, and the audience is asked to participate in this and become a part of the event. The audiences are in for a treat and an unforgettable event.


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