Mitayi Mane Movie Reviews


Mitayi Mane Review

This 'Candy House' - Mitayi Mane is quoted with less of sugar in it. The issue of deceiving education to children and giving them loads of work at the young age wrong attitude the film vouches. It has handled with inevitable circumstances cropping up in our society. But a mass media like film should focus on the alternative measure at this juncture. How to eradicate the child bonded labor - there is no answer in the film.

The Grimm Brothers' Hansel and Gretel the German folklore is not supportive to the whole concept of the film. The fairytale comes in the middle of the film and disturbs the flow of the film.

Ganga (Aditi) lives in the small village with her brother and parents who are not having land to do the cultivation. When it becomes disgusting as the rain does not lash they send Ganga to serve as maid servant in the city so that she can feed her stomach and from the earnings of her they can also live with one square of meal.

Back in city Ganga works as maidservant and at the same time she also gets education. Thanks to her friend Swathi who teaches her during the interval in the school when Ganga comes with tiffin box. Ganga's dream does not fulfill and she goes back on a charge for having taken a rubber band.

Aditi has done a very neat job. Raghashree as Swathi has given good support. She has been naughty as well as very innocent. Panchami the ultra-modern mother of two children in the city has been very convincing.

Santosh Rai Pathaje (now the director of 7 O'clock Kannada film) camera boost up the quality of the film.

This is a half hearted appeal from the yesteryears actress in her debut direction.