Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan's 'Dangal' is will be hitting the screens on Friday (December 23) for the Christmas weekend. The Tamil dubbed version of the film will also be releasing simultaneouslyAamir who claims to be an ardent for of Superstar Rajinikanth, recently held a special screening of the film for the latter in Chennai. The 'Lagaan' actor has said that the Superstar liked the film and he is happy about the same.Meanwhile Aamir has also revealed an interesting secret that Rajinikanth was approached to play a role in 'Dangal'.The 'Enthiran' star was approached by Aamir to render his voice for his lead character Mahavir Singh Phogat. But Thalaivar refused to dub for the character as he felt his voice would not match with Aamir's face.Aamir said he is completely convinced by the reason given by Rajinikanth for not dubbing for the film.Movie buffs across India are eager to watch the two much loved stars of the country sharing screen space in a film and we hope that happens soon.
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