AB Corp. Move Forward with Lalia Laila"

AB Corp is back. And it is taking small steps towards future. Jaya Bachchan herself is taking keen interest which was evident from the fact that she made sure to be a part of the final rehearsal of their Hindi Play 'Lali Lila' at the Mysore Association Auditorium in Mumbai recently. Renowned actress Asha Parekh was another special guest in attendance at this event.

'Lali Lila' is written by Devendra Pem and directed by Vipul Mehta and has a cast of theatre actors like Iravati Karnik, Arti Vivek, Shubhrajyoti, Javed Khan, Ganesh Pandit, Ketan Karande, Sushant Shelar and Gauri Kodimalla.

The play tells the tale of Siamese twins who in spite of sharing the same body are completely different individuals in terms of temperament, likes dislikes etc. and then the problem arises when one of them falls in love. 'Lali Lila' will premiere on November 19th at Sophia Hall in Breach Candy, Mumbai.