Tusshar Kapoor who made his debut with Mujhe Kuch Kehna Hai is on his way as an actor with movies like Kya Dil Ne Kaha, Gayab, Golmal and Kya Cool Hai Hum etc. was in Delhi at Hotel Metropolitan Nikko recently for the promotion of his latest movie 'Kya Love Story Hai' staring Ayesha Takia and Kareena Kapoor. Talking to us Tusshar said that, "Kya Love Story Hai' is the story of a carefree and wayward youth, Arjun that's me, who experiences love-at-first-sight with Kaajal (Ayesha Takia). It isn't a typical meet-cute situation - he follows her for some time before breaking the ice and for Kaajal, Arjun is a mere acquaintance but the latter is in love with her and afraid of conveying his feelings".
After that a situation arises when Kaajal comes across a letter, which Arjun has written for the girl he loves, but she doesn't know to whom he is referring. Arjun deliberately asks her how she would reciprocate his love if she were the girl he was in love with. Kaajal's reply leaves Arjun self-introspecting, making him mysteriously disappear from the scene.

In the mean time, a successful and snooty entrepreneur meets Kaajal. Following some heated verbal scuffles with her, he concludes that she would make for an appropriate life-partner because she was a stabilizing influence and kept him mellow. When Arjun returns to South Africa, during an astonishingly coincidental encounter, he finds Kaajal engaged to the entrepreneur! Destiny has entangled three hearts but who will emerge victorious? Who will make the grandgesture?

"Kya Love Story Hai" is a feel-good romantic comedy oriented at young love. It has been beautifully shot in exquisite South Africa and its OST features five chart-busting numbers

This NR Pachisia film pairs Tusshar Kapoor and Ayesha Takia for the first time ever. Direction by debutant Lovely Singh music is already out and has been appreciated by audience especially Kareena's Item No. It's rocking sang by Alisha Chinoy and Music by Pritam to Shabbir Ahmed's Lyrics.