Arjun Kapoor, after watching 'Mirzya', feels "proud" of his cousin Harshvardhan, who is making his Bollywood debut with the movie."You make me a proud brother @HarshKapoor! Your talent is for all to see... Now keep your head down and work even harder just like @AnilKapoor," Arjun tweeted on Wednesday.U make me a proud brother @HarshKapoor_ !!! Ur talent is for all to see now to keep ur head down & work even more hard just like @AnilKapoorHarshvardhan is the son of veteran actor Anil Kapoor, while Arjun is the son of Anil's elder brother Boney.Commenting on 'Mirzya', directed by Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra, Arjun said: "Poetry in motion. Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra, the artist and Harshvardhan, Saiyami Kher his paintbrush, and Mirza Sahibaan's story his canvas... Beautiful."The 'Gunday' star also praised debutante Saiyami Kher, who is starring along with Harshvardhan. "Congratulations Saiyami Kher, you are beautiful and your eyes as blue as the sky... I hope you continue to shine just like you did in 'Mirzya'," he wrote.The film is releasing on Friday.
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