Yuva Samrat Naga Chaitanya’s under-shoot movie ‘Autonagar Surya’ begins its new schedule in Hyderabad from Feb 27. A teasing song is being canned on Nag Chaitanya and Samantha on the roads of Hyderabad. The song would be in a college backdrop under Raju Sundaram’s choreography and the same song would be canned in Ramoji Film City till March 2. Deva Katta is very cautious in projecting Naga Chaitanya in a massy character, particularly after flops like ‘Dhada’ and ‘Bezawada’. Sai Kumar is playing a pivotal role in this film produced by Atchi Reddy on Max India Entertainments. Anup Rubens is providing the music for this movie, which is slated for summer release.
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