The dubbed version of Sudeep-starrer Bachchan will release in Hindi in July. The audio launch of the film is scheduled for later this month. Director Shashank confirmed this development but said the film's dubbing rights in Hindi were sold by the producer Uday K Mehta and it was a Mumbai-based movie house which was releasing the film. "We have been let known that the film is releasing next month and the audio launch is this month. They have already contacted Tulip, one of the heroines for promotion purpose. If I am approached, I will be glad to attend," he said.
The Tamil and Telugu dubbing rights are still with Uday Mehta and the producer himself may release the film in these two languages. Shashank said, "the film has to be released in both these languages simultaneously. There are many restrictions for dubbed films in Tamil and it is the Telugu market that is more important. The producer did not sell the rights immediately as he was expecting better returns given that the film has done well. All new returns will be profits and he does not want to throw away things. It will be a properly planned release in Telugu and Tamil."
Bachchan in Hindi Next Month
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