Nandamuri Balakrishna is making all efforts to turn the grand audio launch of his film Gautamiputra Satakarni a big success. At the same time, he also had some different plans to announce the debut of his son Mokshagna. It has been already confirmed that Mokshagna will be debuting as hero in a film to be directed by a top director. Most likely SIngeetham Srinivas Rao will direct the movie and he already prepared the script for the movie which is said to be the official sequel of Aditya 369.After blockbuster “Legend” in 2014, Balakrishna asked Boyapati to launch his son and Vaarahi Chalana Chitram came forward to bankroll the project. But due to several reasons, the combination did not work out and after a gap, Balakrishna has re-initiated the plans, and the launch will happen next year. The fans are eager to hear an official update on this from Balakrishna and the actor might announce something about it today.
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