Producer Jakkampudi Venugopal, who had produced 'Tata Birla Madhyalo Laila' with Sivaji and others in the lead on the banner of Lucky Media, is planning another film with the same hero. Bhoomika, who won the hearts of Telugu audiences with her impeccable performance in 'Missamma' and who is about to appear before them with her mesmerizing action talent in a film with classic title 'Maya Bazaar', is being roped in as heroine in this film. It is reliably learnt that the banner is introducing a new director for this film and 'Satyabhama' is the title which was confirmed for the film. The shooting of the film would be formally launched in December. One had to wait and watch how Bhoomika would fare in 'Satyabhama', as she had already played heroines in films with classic titles like 'Missamma' and 'Mayabazaar'.
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