Censoring nudity forces name change

Velu Prabhakaran is well known for making the movies 'Kadavul', 'Nalaya Manithan', 'Azuran' and 'Puratchikkaaran'. He recently ventured to make a movie titled 'Kaadhal Arangam' starring debutantes.

The director had shot many scenes involving nudity and the movie was expected to be a treatise on sex, violence and broken hearts.

As soon as the movie was sent over to the Censor Board, the entire nude scenes were removed. This forced the director to approach the Revising Committee of the Censor Board. This move did not help the director in any way as they issued a statement voicing their concerns over the nude scenes terming them as titillating.

With no way out, Velu Prabhakaran has removed the nude scenes and re-shot other sequences to fill in the void. He has also changed the title of the film to 'Kaadhal Pakkangal'.

Would the Censor Board be happy with these developments? Let's wait and see.