Natural Star Nani, who is basking in the glory of Bhale Bhale Magodivoy, is all set to enthrall the audience with his next titled Krishna Gadi Veera Prema Gadha.The first look poster which was released recently garnered a thumping response from the audience. As per the latest reports, the audio launch will be held on the 18th of January in a grand style and Superstar Mahesh Babu will grace the event to unveil the audio at Shilpakala Vedika. Lahari Music has grabbed the audio rights of this film. Meherene Pirzada is the film’s leading lady in the film.The plot of the story is set against the backdrop of Ananthapur and Nani will be seen as a hard core Balakrishna fan in the film. The film will be directed by Hanu Raghavapudi and Anil Sunkara is producing the film on 14 Reels Entertainment banner. The film is nearing completion and it is scheduled to hit the screens on February 5th.
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