Dear All at Musicmazaa.............

On this Special moment let us remember those who fought for our motherland and bravely gave their life in the lap of our mother country with almost ease and keeping in mind only about our country and its protection from enemies. Let us also remember those who are still in the border, keeping a close watch on terrorist moves and doing their duty beyond call, so that we, civilians can work and rest without any fear of attack from enemies.

Let us salute those personalities/fighters who struggled and freed India from all shackles and mark a pride in every Indian that we can proudly say "I AM AN INDIAN" to the world and no one can even tease us as we stand UNITED.

physical well being for the freedom of the country. Let us pray for the martyrs in the cause of freedom and those who laid their lives for protecting the boundaries. Also as a grateful nation we do pray for the well being of those soldiers who are miles away from their near and dear to protect our motherland.