Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone, who has garnered appreciation at the global level with her acting in xXx: The Return of Xander Cage, has become the highest paid actress with the movie ‘Padmavati’. Deepika, who was in Hyderabad for a promotional event shared her childhood memories. She said, “I’ve come to Hyderabad quite a few times, but the first time I came here was during a school trip. I visited Charminar and bought beautiful bangles.”
On quizzing if she would be interested to act in Tollywood, she said, “If I am offered an interesting script, I would definitely consider taking it up. For me, language is only a medium to give shape to great content.”
About her experience while working in Hollywood, she said, “It was great fun working with Vin Diesel and Ruby Rose. From Monday to Friday we would shoot and during weekends we would meet for dinner and just hang out. We got along really well despite never having worked with each other before.”
Deepika Padukone Ready to Act in Tollywood
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