Vi Anand-directed 'Ekkadiki Pothavu Chinnavada' has turned out to be a huge hit even though it was released amid not-so-high expectations. Grossing Rs. 38 crores worldwide in 30 days, the film now stands in the league of the year's biggest hits."This is a great achievement because of two reasons. Situations were not normal when the film hit the screens (read demonetization) and the producers spent good budget having faith on the subject penned by VI Anand," the makers say.The film had a lot of positive buzz going for it from day one. "The openings were the highest ever in Nikhil’s career. 'EPC' has done extremely well in overseas, too, reaching the coveted 1 million mark," they add.Nandita Swetha's acting and Sekhar Chandra's music have gone a long way into making the film such a big hit.
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