Actor Ram Charan, along with crew members of his yet-untitled Telugu outing with filmmaker Srinu Vaitla, has headed to Europe to shoot a couple of songs. "In this short schedule, the team plans to shoot two songs on Ram and his heroine Rakul Preet Singh. It will be shot across key locations in Europe. By first week of June, the crew plans to head back to India," a source from the film's unit told. This is the first time Rakul and Ram have teamed up. According to producer DVV Danayya, the film is most likely to releasing in the month of October. "We have zeroed in on October 15 as release date. If everything goes as planned, there shouldn't be any change in the release," Danayya told. The film also features Kriti Kharbanda, Tanikella Bharani, Rao Ramesh and Mukesh Rishi in important roles.
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