Fake fighting for the sake of shooting

In the sets of Veeranwali the young duo Samir Sharma and Vikram Acharya seems to realistic in their approach during shooting of a fight scene.

They might have decided to do it as it is since many occasions they end up with cracking jokes while filming intense and dark scenes for the movie. In off screen they are best friends and never get serious after involving with spate had with each other in the floor.

To get remove the perception of others created from their jokes and laughter they decided to have it in real and enter into a brawl which caused bruises, sprains and body aches.

"It was great to be really fighting in front of the camera. Although we didn't cause any serious harm to each other, we have gotten our share of thrashings. I think being the brats that we are on the sets, we will have to do this more often!" jokes Samir.

Well being the problem, nice to see they come up with the solution too!!