Like director Ram Gopal Varma, his tweets are also carry craziness, apart from some wit and satirical tone. He attempts to make deep in-sense with his own style. Starting from expressing his love for Telangana CM KCR to Mega brothers Chiranjeevi, Pawan Kalyan and most recently Balakrishna, RGV directly put up his views on twitter. In his latest string of tweets, the filmmaker was all praise for Bollywood Superstar Aamir Khan and his recent release Dangal. But, he has created a flutter by criticizing other two Khans (Salman and Shahrukh) and their movies. The Sarkar director also said he wanted to touch Aamir's feet for his dedication to work on 6-pack look at 50+ years.'Other Khan's presuppose the audience to be dumb which I too think they are but Aamir respects n caters to their intelligence hidden behind. Aamir khan's films force the world to take india seriously and the other Khan's films make india look like a Choothiya regressive country,' tweeted Varma, whose recent release Vangaveeti is running in theaters now.Besides that, Ram Gopal Varma added, 'Aamir khan's films force the world to take india seriously and the other Khan's films make india look like a Choothiya regressive country.' And that's where he ended up the volley of tweets about Dangal and Aamir Khan.
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