James Bond Pierce Brosnan shocked with Pan Bahar Ads

Advertisements of Pierce Brosnan endorsing Pan Bahar has been a big shock for the people who admired him as 'James Bond'. Not just his fans, Even Pierce Brosnon was equally shocked to see the adverts showing him as the brand ambassador of Pan Masala.

Today, in an exclusive statement to PEOPLE , Brosnan explained that he has the "greatest love and affection for India and its people and is deeply shocked and saddened about the events".
"As a man who has spent decades championing women's healthcare and environmental protection, I was distressed to learn of Pan Bahar's unauthorised and deceptive use of my image to endorse their range of pan masala products," the statement read. "I would never have entered into an agreement to promote a product in India that is dangerous to one's health."
"Having endured, in my own personal life, the loss of my first wife and daughter as well as numerous friends to cancer, I am fully committed to supporting women's healthcare and research programs that improve human health and alleviate suffering," the statement continued.
According to the report by PEOPLE, Brosnan has demanded that the company remove his image from all their products.

In an interview to the People's Magazine, Pierce Brosnan expressed shock and claimed he was saddened to know that his image is being used to promote a product that's not good for health. He clarified signing a contract with the company only to endorse a product which guarantees 'all-natural teeth whitening' but not tobacco or any other harmful material.

Pierce Brosnan claims to be committed to support only products that improve health after losing his first wife and daughter to cancer.

'Golden Eye', 'Die Another Day', 'Tomorrow Never Dies' and 'The World is Not Enough' are the films of Pierce Brosnan in James Bond franchise.