Kajal Aggarwal has been zeroed in as female lead in Young Tiger NTR's new movie tentatively titled 'Baadshah' directed by Srinu Vaitla. This film will be launched formally on Mar 18 in Hyderabad and the regular shooting will start from April. The story of the film is ready and currently the pre production is on. Ganesh Babu is set to produce the film on Parameswara Arts banner, while Thaman is scoring the music. Kona Venkat and Gopimohan are providing the script for this movie. Earlier, Kajal worked with NTR in super hit film 'Brindavanam' and this will be her second movie with Young Tiger. The movie is going to be laugh riot and Writer BVS Ravi stated that NTR will be in his hilarious best in 'Badshaw' and wished the team all success. He says “ NTR wl surely b @ his hilarious best wid Yailta.My pals Gopi n Kona r d best writer-duo 4 entrtainmnt in d country ryt nw.Ganesh,all d best.”
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