South Indian actress Kajal Agarwal has turned down an offer from Bollywood’s top production house Yash Raj Films (YRF). Sources say that YRF has approached Kajal to play the leading lady besides Shahid Kapoor in their film but Kajal discarded the Bollywood movie citing dates problem. Kajal made her Bollywod debut with Singam movie and she even posed topless for a magazine but still Kajal feels that she did not get the required recognition. Back in south, after her Businessman super hit, Kajal has bagged two big ticket films in Tamil – one in Suriya starrer ‘Maatran’ and another one in Vijay - Murugadoss ‘Thuppaki’. It was also reported that Kajal is being considered for Pawan Kalyan and Puri Jagannath combo movie. With so many offers in South, no wonder Kajal shed her Bollywood dreams for now.
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