Speaking at the audio release of 'Ism', NTR was all praise for Puri Jagannadh. Their association goes back to the days of 'Andhrawala', but it was when 'Temper' happened that their relationship started becoming intense ."I like Jagan bhayya a lot. I know if I work with him, he would show me in a new light. I was one thing before 'Temper', I am another after that movie. My confidence levels got a booster shot after working with Jagan bhayya. I have selfishly wanted that he works with Kalyan annayya. When they both were mooting to work though they hadn't even met, Jagan bhayya happened to tell me that he wanted to offer this particular story to Kalyan annayya. Since I know almost all of his stories, I immediately called up annayya to share the news that a project with Jagan bhayya has come through," NTR said."I never imagined that I will see Kalyan annayya like this on-screen. I am not talking about the body and looks. I am talking about the attitude. It's all because of you, Jagan bhayya," he said.NTR described Kalyan Ram as his friend, philosopher and guide. "He has been a girl friend as well, sometimes," he said in a lighter vein. "I have personally seen how much he has worked hard for 'Ism'. He has worked very hard as an actor. Genuine efforts never go waste."Quoting the famous proverb, "Pen is mightier than a sword", he wished team 'Ism' all the success.
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