After the two back to back super hits 'Rajini Murugan' and 'Remo', young heroine Keerthy Suresh is on the verge of a hattrick success with 'Bairavaa' her first film with Vijay scheduled to hit the screens for Pongal festival in January 2017.In a recent interview this vivacious lass from Kerla has shared her experience working with the much-loved Ilayathalapathy."I have been an ardent fan of Vijay since childhood. Having acted with him is a huge luck for me. It is true that he remains calm in the shooting spot. But on the day we completed the shooting he complimented me saying "You have acted well " (நல்லா நடிச்சிருக்கீங்க). I was simply elated with these two words uttered by Vijay."After 'Bairavaa', Keerthy has started shooting for 'Thaanaa Sendha Koottam' with Suriya and we hope the talented actress gets appreciated by the 'Singam' star also.
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