Young Rebel Star Prabhas is currently busy with the shooting of the second installment of Baahubali and he is expected to start working for ‘Run Raja Run‘ fame Sujeeth‘s film later this year. This film will be produced under UV Creations banner by Vamsi Reddy and Pramod Uppalapati. The pre-production work of the film is currently underway. As per the latest reports, Madhie, who earlier worked for Prabhas’ blockbuster film ‘Mirchi’, is going to team up with him once again. Madhie also worked for the director’s debut film. Prabhas is expected to be seen as a powerful cop in this movie. The expectations on the film have reached sky-high as Prabhas is going to don the Khaki for the first time in his career. The makers have yet to finalize the leading actress of the film.
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