Naga Chaitanya's long-pending film 'Saahasam Swasaga Saagipo' has finally got its release date. The movie will run in theaters on November 11, along with its Tamil version featuring Simbu. SSS, which was reeling under wraps from more than half a year, is a Gautam Vasudev Menon directorial. SSS, a pure love story with a blend of road journey garnered amazing reviews for its music, composed by AR Rahman. It has Manjima Mohan as leading lady alongside Naga Chaitanya and singer Baba Sehgal playing a cop role. After being postponed umpteen times for various undisclosed reasons, Saahasam Swaasaga Saagipo is finally coming on second Friday of November. Earlier, Chay's Autonagar Surya was also delayed for more than a year for some financial reasons. Produced by Raveendra Reddy, this bilingual project is also said to have Rana Daggubati playing an important role.
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