King Nagarjuna's 'Oopiri' received huge appreciation from the critics for its message oriented content and decent performances by the artists. Moreover, the movie stood as a profitable venture in the US. However, the film couldn't live upto the expectations in Telugu states. The other day, it was reported that Potluri Vara Prasad, the producer of the film, had complained against director Vamshi Pydipalli who made Dril Raju and Aswini Dutt replacing Pvp as the producers of Prince Mahesh's new film. The producer also complained that he had incurred the losses of Rs.21 crores with 'Oopiir' due to high investments on the project. He seeks compensation for these losses from 'Oopiri' director Vamshi Pydipally.Pvp hasn't stopped here. He approached Madras High Court and got injunction orders against Vamshi and his writers Harikrishna and Solomon to get them refrain from using Pvp's script for Mahesh's film.
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