Beautiful actress Pooja Hegde, who was said to be utterly disappointed with the failure of her highly anticipated debut Bollywood film 'Mohenjo Daro', will hit the jackpot if this project materialises. As per latest reports in Bollywood circles, Pooja Hegde has been approached to play the princess in the Hindi remake of SS Rajamouli's blockbuster film 'Magadheera'. After the runaway success of 'Magadheera' in Telugu, Bollywood makers acquired the film's remake rights and plans have been underway for a long time to remake this iconic action entertainer with reincarnation theme. Several actors and directors were approached and discussions were held but the project never took off. Shahid Kapoor has already been roped in to reprise the role of a warrior essayed by Ram Charan in the original. Reports are emerging that makers were impressed with the look of Pooja Hegde in Mohenjo Daro, in which she played the role of a princess. If this project materialises, Pooja will be second time lucky to act in yet another much anticipated Bollywood film. An official announcement about this is awaited though.Meanwhile, Pooja is getting ready to start the shooting of Allu Arjun's DJ.
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