Looks like, there is no stopping to Premam Telugu fever in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Even though movie failed to carry the much-needed feel of the original Malayalam film. This remake has become talk of the town. The Telugu audience has lapped the characters to such an extent that fans of the cast started memes and pages on social media with the screenshots from the movie.The movie has collected a share of 9.01 crores by the end of first-weekend run worldwide. The movie has done pre-business of 17.5 crores and with this hype-hoopla movie will cross the break-even point by the end of first week.Check out the area wise shares below…
Nizam: 2.32 Crores
Nellore: 0.27 Crores
Krishna: 0.54 Crores
Ceded: 0.90 Crores
Guntur: 0.61 Crores
Godavari: 0.91 Crores
Vizag: 0.70 CroresKarnataka & India: 1 Crore
Overseas: 1.76 Crores3 Days World Wide Share: 9.01 Crores
Premam surprises everyone with Collections!!
by mymazaa.com
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