Ramya Krishna’s dream role is ‘Amma’

Recently, a fan made poster made by Tamil franchise FullyFilmy regarding the biopic of Tamil Nadu ex-CM Jaya Lalitha was spotted on social media. The fan made poster had Ramya Krishna resembling Jayalalitha and Karthik Subbaraj was credited to direct the film. The film poster has gone viral on social media soon after the release. A leading news daily has contacted Ramya Krishna whether she came across that poster and to their surprise, Ramya happens to see that and shared her response. Ramya Krishna was indeed excited to play Amma. She is excited and also waiting for someone to approach her with the proposal.“I want to portray Jayalalithaa madam, and that is the dream role I would want to have in my career. It’s highly challenging feat, but I am ready to do it when a good filmmaker with a lot of sensibility approaches me,” revealed Ramya Krishna while speaking to DC.