Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja and director Parasuram (Bujji) would be teaming up once again for a masala entertainer. This duo earlier worked for ‘Anjaneyuly’ movie, which fell flat at the Tollywood box office and Bujji is also poised to prove his mettle. Ravi Teja evinced interest and gave the nod for Parasuram’s massy script and the shooting is likely to start after the hero wraps up his under shoot film ‘Daruvu’ and Puri Jagannath’s ‘Devudu Chesina Manushulu’. In fact, sources hint that Ravi Teja and Parasuram’s film might start post summer. Remember, Ravi Teja worked with Harish Shankar for the second time for ‘Mirapakaya’ after their previous combo film ‘shock’ was a disaster. So let’s hope this Parasuram scores a hit this time around.
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