One of the most sought after leading ladies in South India, Samantha has been in the news lately with speculations about her love life with Naga Chaitanya. The couple is supposed to get hitched next year, but recently some sections of the media reported that it could take longer as Sam signed three new films with Sivakarthikeyan, Vijay Sethupathi and Vishal.However, on her social media page Samantha has posted a pic of her with her beau Naga Chaitanya, his brother Akhil and his fiancée Shriya Bhupal that clearly stands as evidence to the fact that she is indeed already a part of the Nagarjuna Akhineni household. Akhil and Shriya are tying the knot in December and looks like Naga Chaitanya and Samantha will follow suit sooner than later.
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