Sharat Marar, the producer of Pawan Kalyan's new film 'Katamarayudu' disclosed that the title of the movie was initially registered by 'Sapthagiri Express's makers at the film chamber. Pawan Kalyan then suggested Sharat Marar that they would prefer another title for the film. However, having learnt that Pawan Kalyan's new film title was contemplated as 'Katamarayudu', Sapthagiri, director Arun Pawar and the producer Ravi Kirane decided to give away the title to Pawan Kalyan and Sharat Marar's combo film. Though Pawan Kalyan and Sharat Marar were reluctant to take the title back for their film, Sapthagiri and team insisted them to receive the title. As such, the title of Pawan Kalyan's film has been confirmed as 'Katamarayudu'.
Sharrath Marar Speech @ Saptagiri Express Movie Audio Launch