Spiderman to launch PVR Baccha Party in the "Summer of 2007"

PVR Cinemas plans to add more colour and action to the launch of Spiderman with launch of its Baccha Party in the "Summer of 2007".

To add loads of actions for the kids, viewers and other patrons in and around the movies. PVR Cinemas plans to add spice to the flavour of films this summer with host of action, workshops, drama and more......all weaved around the favourite characters of the audiences, week after week after week.

All this is lined up inside, around and outside the PVR Cinema premises

All this is set to start with the most happening of characters, Spiderman.....reaching out to the audiences across 6 PVR Multiplexes in Delhi region this Sunday.

The chunk of the action would see 'spidies' dress up to interact with audiences inside, around and outside the PVR Cinema premises. So expect the 'spidies' to come along with loads of actors, related characters, animations all engrossed in a series of workshops involving combos, painting, tattoos, masks, movie merchandise, goodie bags, dramatics.