Tamil actor Suriya had a successful association with director Gautham Menon and they have worked together for 'Kakha Kakha'(remade in Telugu as Gharshana), 'Varanam Aayiram'(dubbed version Surya S/o Krishnan). Suriya - Gautham combo supposed to work together for another film 'Dhruva Natchathiram' and pre production went on for few days. Suriya was upset with the delay in pre production and walked away from the project then. There was some hungama in the Kollywood media as Suriya released a letter blaming Gautham Menon for walking out of the project. Coming to the present, Suirya and Gautham said to have been patched up. In a recent development Suriya opened up about the letter, and said he regrets it now. He admitted that could have handled the situation in a better manner. He also said he was grateful to work with Gautham for films like 'Kakha Kakha' and 'Varanam Ayiram'. As the Suriya and Gautham patched up now, fans can expect their combo in the near future.
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