Two Big Names For One Film!

Producer cum distributor Dil Raju and talented director Maruthi are the two popular brands in Telugu film industry. While Dil Raju is showing his camaraderie over distribution network from last few years, Maruthi grew into a reliable name after his last super hit ‘Bhale Bhale Magadivoy’ with Nani. Now that both these names have come together, people expect something new and big.

Yes, we are talking about ‘Rojulu Marayi’ releasing tomorrow in theaters. Starring a bunch of less recognized artists like Chetan Maddineni, Parvatheesham, Kruthika and Tejaswi Madivada in lead characters, the film is said to be a youthful entertainer easy to connect with present day audience.

In fact, there are no big movies to hit the screens for this week except Kattappa Sathya Raj’s ‘Dora.’ With Dil Raju, Maruthi brand leading promotions from front, we need to wait and see how far ‘Rojulu Marayi’ fares from tomorrow. The film is directed by Murali Krishna Mudidani.