Last month IndiaGltiz was one of the first to report that actor-music director Vijay Antony will be making his Bollywood debut as an actor and director with the remake of his latest blockbuster 'Pichaikkaran.'ALSO READ: Vijay Antony's triple debut in Hindi - amazing details hereToday while speaking in the audio launch of Vijay Antony's upcoming release 'Saithan', veteran actor Y.G.Mahendra who has acted in the film gave a hint about this in his speech. He said Vijay Antony who is immensely popular as a music director and a hero in Tamil and has made strong in roads in Telugu with 'Bichagadu' the blockbuster Telugu version of 'Pichaikkaran' is soon going to become an All-Indian sensation and the announcement on the same can be expected soon.We hope YGM was referring to the 'Pichaikkaran' Bollywood remake and whether this inference is true or not will be revealed very soon.
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