As was reported earlier, the much-delayed Teja directorial with Rana Daggubati and Kajal Aggarwal went to the floors on the auspicious occasion of Dasara yesterday. Produced by D Suresh Babu, the film is touted to be a political drama. Rana agreed to be the male lead as soon as he heard Teja's commercially entertaining narration. Anup Rubens is the music director. The lead pair are happy about the teaming up. Their tweets bear testimony to their joy. "When #brainsandbrawn come together, work becomes super fun! With @RanaDaggubati #newbeginnings #karaikudi," Kajal tweeted, without getting nostalgic about the re-union with Teja, her first director. "Introducing to you my superstar co-star!' @MsKajalAggarwal to new beginnings," an elated Rana tweeted. They both have shared a pic of their hands in union. The film should become a comeback of sorts for Teja, who badly needs a hit.
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