A couple of pictures from the sets of Katamarayudu have been released online. The actor Chaitanya Krishna has posted these pictures when Pawan Kalyan joined them for lunch. He revealed the back story about it.“Wudnt it be wonderful to share a meal with a person that u wud admire and look upto?? you look upto him becoz he stood for the rights of my poeple. you look upto him becoz he defined the word courage to the cowards..that played smart iin the times of stress. not just a photograph ..not just a handshake ….. no matter i hard resisted the thought telling myself ,,,,,,simply impossible….. for the fear of not trying and the pain of living with it … i mustered my courage to walk down the path and ask him if he’s willing to join us for lunch…what happened the next moment is truly magical….. have you ever experienced a feeling of giving a candy to your little kid and he jumping at the sight of it and kissing you on your cheeks to show his love ? unconditional love. pavan kalyan just looked at us ,, cald for the tables…served us food nd ate along with us …..well what i saw in his eyes is his way of paying back the unconditional innocent love as a kid to his proud parents( fans )……AFTER KNOWING HIM….YOU JUST CANT STOP LOVING HIM” Chaitanya Krishna wrote on Facebook.
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