Audio Label Divo Music

Kuttram Kadithal Lyrics

Starring Radhika Prasiddha
Music Shankar
Director Bramma G
Producer J Sathish Kumar
Year 2015

Sing A Song - Kuttram Kadithal Lyrics

Sing A Song

Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing
Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing
Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing
Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing
Sing A Song Of People Who Like To Come And Go
Sing A Song Of People Who Like To Come And Go
Sing A Song Of People Who Like To Come And Go
Sing A Song Of People Who Like To Come And Go
Up And Down They Go By Walking Fast Or Slow
Up And Down They Go By Walking Fast Or Slow
Slow Slow Slow Slow Slow
Slow Slow Slow Slow Slow
Slow Slow Slow Slow Slow

People On The Side Walk

People On The Bus
People Passing Passing
In Back And Front Of Us
People On The Side Walk
People On The Bus
People Passing Passing
In Back And Front Of Us
People Ont He Subway
Underneath The Ground
People Riding Taxis
Round And Round And Round
People Walking Singly
People In A Crøwd
Peøple Šaying Nøthing
Peøple Talking Løud
Šing A Šøng Of Peøple
Whø Like Tø Cøme And Gø
Šing A Šøng Of Peøple
Whø Like Tø Cøme And Gø
Šing A Šøng Of Peøple
Whø Like Tø Cøme And Gø