When he played a bit role in 'Life Is Beautiful', Vijay Devarakonda went unnoticed. When Yevade Subrahmanyam's director cast him instead of a star, he was bound to be roped in by many. However, he didn't land sexy offers. He bid his time, rejecting one bad script after another. Finally, 'Pelli Choopulu' happened this season. He is not going to look back now.
The first film he has officially signed up since Pelli Choopulu's release is to be directed by Nandini Reddy, who has directed 'Ala Modalaindi', 'Jabardasth' and 'Kalyana Vaibhogame' in the past. Vijay is reportedly her next hero, while the female lead's role will be played by Malavika Nair (of 'Yevade Subrahmanyam' and 'Kalyana Vaibhogame' fame).
Besides this one, Vijay must surely have been offered a number of other projects by important names. He is currently filming for 'Arjun Reddy'.