Datta Review
by MyMazaa.comDirector Gurudutt returning back to fold after 10 years has worked out very well to keep the audience engaged in the theatre. For the fans of Darshan and family audience this is worth watching because of the strengths in the film. Cinematography, tolerable music and well balanced performance from Darshan and Komal add to the high quality of the film.
Story and screenplay writer Janardhan Maharshi has caught hold of a captivating portion for Darshan image and his approach is too good especially in the second half.
Orphan Datta (Darshan) who grows in the midst of the people with his friend Tingu (Komal) is a pick pocket expert. He robs from the people and gives it to the needy. Shrewd Datta antagonize with the Basha the underworld don when he shows his over smartness by whisking away with his bag containing heroin worth Rs.2 crores. Datta who is a go getter of things is assigned a job by an aristocratic man to pretend as son for a day on a payment. Datta to pay the medical bill and arrange for the marriage of his colony people agrees and he is now the rented son. On his way to the rich family he has trouble shooters. It is from the rich family the son is away for 20 long years and to save the life of the actual son the rich man brings the duplicate son so that he is finished and the real son can settle down in the family. But our Datta the strong and gutsy man teaches the rabble rousers a lesson and settle down in the family with no knowledge of this crookedness for whom he has accepted to pretend as son.
An orphan Datta gets the affection of mother and he is thrilled. The mother in bad health recoup very fast and the fake son is slowly transforming as actual son. The plan turning in opposite direction makes the rich man to finish off this fake son. In that finish also he fails and Datta strengthen his position with both his muscle and brain strength. Datta finds the fault of his master who brought him here and he does not take the wrong step but makes right moves to solve the quixotic situation €“ family feud, actual son on dire streets and for the henchmen who are thirsting for his blood. Finally the orphan gets full family support.
Darshan in an action packed and sentiment role is enchanting. He is in very fluctuating role €“ fights, comedy, sentiments, romance packed in this film. Komal is convincing as Tingu. Brother of comedy hero Jaggesh €“ Komal would one day sideline his brother in comedy roles. That is not far away. He has the perfect timing that is the top requirement for a comedy artiste. Added to it Komal has the easy dialogue diction.
There is nothing much to write about Ramya the beautiful heroine of Kannada cinema. She looks beautiful on screen with nice costumes. Srinath has a role that is far away from his image. Vinayaprakash as ailing and smiling mother fits the role.
Three tunes of Patnayak are passable and one of them is retuned from Kannada film popular song 'Vaharumere Muruga€¦..
Ramesh Babu as cameraman is flawless in his work. There is very little graphic work to thrill the Darshan fans.
This is worth watching.